Anwyl Homes - Web copy



Anwyl Homes is a family builder of family homes. They’ve grown rapidly and had huge success. They came to me at the start of a brand new website build and wanted a fresh tone of voice to match.

The team at Anwyl had a few goals in mind as we discussed the project. Firstly, they wanted a tone of voice that felt less serious and generic. They found their old copy a bit boring and wished it had more personality.

Secondly, they wanted a tool that allowed every person in the business to write for Anwyl with consistency and clarity, whether for a social post or an event invite.

Finally, Anwyl wanted to stand apart from their competitors, most of whom trod the well-worn path of generic cliches and estate agent speak (does anyone actually say ‘well-appointed’ in real life?)


Our first step was to review Anwyl’s existing content. They had a strong presence on Instagram and it was here that we started to see the first glimmer of what their new tone of voice could be. I also identified what we could improve and where there were opportunities for change.

Next, we analysed three of Anwyl’s closest competitors. What were they doing well? What were they doing badly? And how could we position ourselves to stand out?

Our third phase of the discovery leg involved analysing thousands of customer reviews to understand why folks love Anwyl. I also analysed the kinds of language Anwyl’s customers use to inspire the tone of voice.

Following a one hour workshop, I presented Anwyl with their new tone of voice pillars. With the team on board, I developed their tone of voice guidelines to make it easy and quick for everyone in the business to follow.


Gone are the weird estate agent phrases and instead you’ll find warm, conversational and even playful language that really embodies Anwyl’s family spirit.

Instead of ‘book a call’ you’ve got ‘come in for a cuppa’. And we always say what we really mean.

Following the tone of voice project, I wrote 22 pages of web copy for Anwyl, plus a handful of blog posts, emails and some advertorial copy for local print publications.

You can see the results below.


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